Old Lucketts Store Christmas Photo Session | A Loudoun County Photographer's Dream

Have you ever heard of Lucketts, Virginia? I hadn’t until I moved to Loudoun. A quick search on Wikipedia tells me that it’s a historic hamlet on route 15 marked by a traffic light, a gas station, and a few antique stores.

When we moved here from more developed parts of Northern Virginia, we realized that rather than fighting traffic on the beltway, it was a much more scenic drive to head up north to Baltimore or other Maryland destinations by taking Route 15, past farms and rolling hills. In doing so, we’ve passed Lucketts many times and stopped a few. Once I started offering photography sessions in Loudoun, I started hearing from my photographer friends about how The Old Lucketts store has the most gorgeous Christmas displays that they kindly let photographers use for sessions during the work week. I called to confirm because it just seemed too good to be true, but it is true! Cue me forcing an awesome Leesburg-dwelling family to have their session there.

I arrived early to scope out the light and setups, and was overwhelmed with the options and potential. The shop owners have outdone themselves, I was truly in a photographer’s paradise.

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